
July 21st - Pastor Dan.

July 28th - Pastor Fred.

August 4th - "Habits of the Mind" series, part 3. Pastor Mike

August 11th - "Habits of the Mind" series, part 4. Pastor Mike

August 18th - Pastor Dan

August 25th - Pastor Fred

515 East Haines Blvd.

Lake Alfred, FL   33850

   ​Bible Study: The Seven Marks of a Vital Congregation. July 21st: Evangelism is simply sharing the Good News. It is authentic and it is intentional, not merely expressions of kindness or moral ethics. We all have Good News to share in our lives; it is a part of our identity. And when we share this news, it is with intentionality and with people with whom we have relationships. We don't have to be trained to share the good news of a new joy, baby or puppy! We simply share what is beautiful and dear to us. Therefore, evangelism must be connected to lifelong Christian formation. It is through intentional spiritual practices in the faith community that we meld God's story with our story, and we share that story with people in our daily lives. 
Reflection Questions: 
When did the news of Christ become Good News in your life? 
At FPCLA, how do people share their stories and connect it to the Story of God's redeeming love? 
How is FPCLA equipped, empowered, and encouraged to intentionally share the Good News in daily life?


Our Mission Statement:

"Moving together with Christ in loving acceptance, growing faith and reaching out."

Mailing Address:

P. O. Box 1107

Lake Alfred, FL   33850

The First Presbyterian Church of Lake Alfred is proud to share its facility with  Life Skills Academy(LSA).  LSA is a private non-profit school NOW serving grades Pre-K thru 12th, with a 501(c) 3 charitable designation, whose mission is to improve the quality of life for children with diverse and special needs by providing education, therapy, and career training.

Life Skills Academy offers a unique educational experience for children whose diverse and special needs are not met at most other schools. At LSA, we take a wholistic approach to education which incorporates education, therapy, and career training.


Our students benefit from an collaborative team that meets with the family at least once a year to assess the student’s progress and formulate educational, therapeutic, career, and life goals. With functional independence as the ultimate objective, goals are tailored to each child’s strengths and personal needs.

​Lord, You are the cornerstone to the church you have gathered and built, a necessary foundation. You build and bind your people together, so that the whole is greater than the sum, so we can be greater and do far greater that if we were alone. In you, we have our breath, and vitality of life. In you, we are a small part of the kingdom of God's glory and the work of redemption for all creation. Yet we make ourselves small. We forget to dream. We lose sight and wander in this world. So, forgive us for losing sight of your mission, for letting go of passion, and for ignoring the gift of being your community - the church. Heal us in your Spirit's power that we might be a community of great faith and deep abiding love for all the world to see. We pray these things in the name of the one who is not finished with us yet, Jesus Christ. Amen.  ​

Website Pages Updated 7/16/24

Home Page

We are a Bible-based church located in the heart of Lake Alfred. Our faith community welcomes you and your family. Join us every Sunday to worship, pray and learn.